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Czech Republic Flag

Czech Republic Flag

Design and Symbolism

The Czech Republic flag features the following design:

  • Two equal horizontal stripes: white on top and red on the bottom
  • A blue isosceles triangle extending from the hoist side to the middle of the flag

The white stripe represents peace, the red stripe signifies bravery and bloodshed, and the blue triangle symbolizes vigilance and faith.


The Czech Republic flag has its origins in the flag of the former Czechoslovakia, adopted in 1920. After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, Slovakia and the Czech Republic separated, and the Czech Republic adopted its current flag in 1993.


The Czech Republic flag is used as the national flag of the country and is flown on all official buildings and public places. It is also used as a symbol of the Czech people and their culture.


The Czech Republic flag is a simple yet striking symbol of the country's history, values, and aspirations. Its colors and design evoke a sense of peace, bravery, and determination, which have shaped the Czech people throughout their history.
